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Engine API


The following document presents all the endpoints callable via Data Hub on a running Engine instance. All changes are applied immediately. However, changes to some properties of the World Settings in Live mode might result in a restart of Pixotope modules and a brief reduction in performance.

To learn about more advanced usage of these endpoints jump to: Advanced RPC Usage.

Object Setting

Calls allowing for scene manipulation.



Set a property value for a given actor. Apart from basic types, supports properties in structs, arrays and asset names.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • PropertyPath STRING ARRAY STRING Dot-separated path to the targeted property, or an array of such paths. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • Value STRING STRING ARRAY ANY The value to be applied. Strings are parsed into proper formats, but raw numbers should be (for the most part) supported too. If provided with an array will try to match to the array of PropertyPaths. Supports struct imports in both a format of JSON or the Unreal's text import format.

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true

Example 1 - Set intensity on a light component.

Call (you send) Topic: {"Type":"Call","Target":"TJCGWS040-Engine","RespondTo":"TJCGWS040-TestClient","Method":"SetProperty","ID":"000"} Message: {"Params":{"ObjectSearch":"SpotLight_1.LightComponent0","PropertyPath":"Intensity","Value":100}}

CallResult (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"CallResult","Target":"TJCGWS040-TestClient","ExecutedOn":"TJCGWS040-Engine","Method":"SetProperty","ID":"000"} Message: {"Result":[{}]}

Update (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"Update","Target":"BROADCAST","Source":"TJCGWS040-Engine","Name":"World.PropertyChanged"} Message: { "Value": { "Owner": "SpotLight_1.LightComponent0", "Name": "Intensity", "PrettyName": "Intensity", "Type": "float", "AdjustmentStatus": "MODIFIED", "Value": "100.000000" } }

Example 2 - Set intensity and color of two light components at once. Don't broadcast updates.

Call (you send) Topic: {"Type":"Call","Target":"TJCGWS040-Engine","RespondTo":"TJCGWS040-TestClient","Method":"SetProperty","ID":"000"} Message: {"Params":{"ObjectSearch":["SpotLight_1.LightComponent0","SpotLight2.LightComponent0"],"PropertyPath":["Intensity","LightColor"],"Value":[100,"(R=255,G=0,B=0)"],"BroadcastUpdate":false}}

CallResult (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"CallResult","Target":"TJCGWS040-TestClient","ExecutedOn":"TJCGWS040-Engine","Method":"SetProperty","ID":"000"} Message: {"Result":[{}]}

Example 3 - Apply blue color grading to the graphics.

Call (you send) Topic: {"Type":"Call","Target":"TJCGWS040-Engine","RespondTo":"TJCGWS040-TestClient","Method":"SetProperty","ID":"000"} Message: {"Params":{"ObjectSearch":"post_process_handler","PropertyPath":["Settings.bOverride_ColorGamma","Settings.ColorGamma.X","Settings.ColorGamma.Y","Settings.ColorGamma.Z"],"Value":[true,0.0,0.0,1.0]}}

CallResult (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"CallResult","Target":"TJCGWS040-TestClient","ExecutedOn":"TJCGWS040-Engine","Method":"SetProperty","ID":"000"} Message: {"Result":[{}]}

Update (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"Update","Target":"BROADCAST","Source":"TJCGWS040-Engine","Name":"World.PropertyChanged"} Message: { "Value": { "Owner": "PostProcessHandler_0", "ObjectSearchTag": "post_process_handler", "Path": "Settings.", "Name": "bOverride_ColorGamma", "PrettyName": "Override Color Gamma", "Type": "bool", "AdjustmentStatus": "MODIFIED", "Value": "True" } }

Update (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"Update","Target":"BROADCAST","Source":"TJCGWS040-Engine","Name":"World.PropertyChanged"} Message: { "Value": { "Owner": "PostProcessHandler_0", "ObjectSearchTag": "post_process_handler", "Path": "Settings.ColorGamma.", "Name": "X", "PrettyName": "X", "Type": "float", "AdjustmentStatus": "MODIFIED", "Value": "0.000000" } }

Update (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"Update","Target":"BROADCAST","Source":"TJCGWS040-Engine","Name":"World.PropertyChanged"} Message: { "Value": { "Owner": "PostProcessHandler_0", "ObjectSearchTag": "post_process_handler", "Path": "Settings.ColorGamma.", "Name": "Y", "PrettyName": "Y", "Type": "float", "AdjustmentStatus": "MODIFIED", "Value": "0.000000" } }

Update (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"Update","Target":"BROADCAST","Source":"TJCGWS040-Engine","Name":"World.PropertyChanged"} Message: { "Value": { "Owner": "PostProcessHandler_0", "ObjectSearchTag": "post_process_handler", "Path": "Settings.ColorGamma.", "Name": "Z", "PrettyName": "Z", "Type": "float", "AdjustmentStatus": "MODIFIED", "Value": "1.000000" } }



This call is scheduled for deprecation. Please use SetProperty with an array of property paths instead.

Set values for multiple properties.


  • JSON STRING ObjectSearch (string, optional), Value (string, optional), BroadcastUpdate (bool, optional, default: true), Properties (an array of objects with PropertyPath(string), and optional overrides for ObjectSearch, Value, and BroadcastUpdate)

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Reset a property value for a given actor.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • PropertyPath STRING ARRAY STRING Dot-separated path to the targeted property, or an array of such paths. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true

Example - Reset the graphics color grading gamma. (Set in a SetProperty example.)

Call (you send) Topic: {"Type":"Call","Target":"TJCGWS040-Engine","RespondTo":"TJCGWS040-TestClient","Method":"ResetProperty","ID":"000"} Message: {"Params":{"ObjectSearch":"post_process_handler","PropertyPath":"Settings.ColorGamma"}}

CallResult (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"CallResult","Target":"TJCGWS040-TestClient","ExecutedOn":"TJCGWS040-Engine","Method":"ResetProperty","ID":"000"} Message: {"Result":[{}]}



Call a method on a given object. This is the main and recommended way of handling live input and controls.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • FunctionName STRING

  • FunctionArguments STRING ARRAY OPTIONAL



Set actor's / component's visibility.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value. Actors only!

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true

  • Visibility BOOL



Reset actor's / component's visibility.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value. Actors only!

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Set actor's / component's mobility.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value. Actors only!


  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Reset actor's / component's mobility.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value. Actors only!

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Set actor's or component's relative transform.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • Transform FLOAT ARRAY OPTIONAL Consecutively: LocX, LocY, LocZ, RotX, RotY, RotZ, SclX, SclY, SclZ. Invalid or missing values will be ignored. Can be an array longer than 9 to apply different transforms when targetting multiple objects.

  • Location FLOAT ARRAY OPTIONAL Consecutively: LocX, LocY, LocZ. Invalid or missing values will be ignored.

  • Rotation FLOAT ARRAY OPTIONAL Consecutively: RotX, RotY, RotZ. Invalid or missing values will be ignored.

  • Scale FLOAT ARRAY OPTIONAL Consecutively: SclX, SclY, SclZ. Invalid or missing values will be ignored.

  • IgnorePattern BOOL ARRAY OPTIONAL Allows to ignore certain values from being applied. Consecutively: LocX, LocY, LocZ, RotX, RotY, RotZ, SclX, SclY, SclZ. Can be an array longer than 9 to apply different ignore patterns when targetting multiple objects. Default: all false

  • IsDelta BOOL OPTIONAL Should given transform values be added to the exiting transform. Default: false

  • IsLocalTranslation BOOL OPTIONAL If IsDelta, should we add location along local axis. Default: false

  • IsLocalRotation BOOL OPTIONAL If IsDelta, should we add rotation along local axis. Default: false

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Reset object's transform.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • ResetPattern BOOL ARRAY OPTIONAL Consecutively: LocX, LocY, LocZ, RotX, RotY, RotZ, SclX, SclY, SclZ. Default: all false

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Set actor's or component's render layer.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true




Reset actor's or component's render layer.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Reset all object's adjustments.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • ShouldResetComponents BOOL OPTIONAL Default: true

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true

Object Spawning

A group of calls allowing for spawning and deleting actors and components from the scene.



Spawn a new actor.


  • ActorType STRING

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Add a component to an actor.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • ComponentType STRING

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Delete an existing actor. Works only for the actors previously spawned through the API.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value. API-spawned Actors only!

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Delete all spawned actors.


  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Rename a previously spawned actor.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value. API-spawned Actors only!

  • NewName STRING

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Set one actor to be another's parent.

No params.

Object Getting

Calls allowing for getting the information about the scene.



Send JSON describing a property to Data Hub.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • PropertyPath STRING ARRAY STRING Dot-separated path to the targeted property, or an array of such paths. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • RecursionDepth INT OPTIONAL Default: 1



Send JSON describing a function to Data Hub.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • FunctionName STRING



Send JSON describing actor's or component's relative transform to Data Hub.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Send JSON describing an object to Data Hub.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • RecursionDepth OPTIONAL DEFAULT:1



Send JSON describing the currently active world to Data Hub.


  • ShouldIncludeActors BOOL OPTIONAL Default: true

  • RecursionDepth INT OPTIONAL Default: 1

Example 1 - Get World's metadata only.

Call (you send) Topic: {"Type":"Call","Target":"XXX-Engine","RespondTo":"XXX-Client","Method":"GetWorld","ID":"000"} Message: {"Params":{"ShouldIncludeActors":false}}

CallResult (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"CallResult","Target":"XXX-Client","ExecutedOn":"XXX-Engine","Method":"GetWorld","ID":"000"} Message: { "Result": [ { "World": { "Name": "LVL_PixotopeVSSample", "PrettyName": "LVL_PixotopeVSSample", "Type": "Editor", "CompositingMode": "Internal", "IsDirty": false } } ] }

Example 2 - Get a list of actors.

Call (you send) Topic: {"Type":"Call","Target":"XXX-Engine","RespondTo":"XXX-Client","Method":"GetWorld","ID":"000"} Message: {"Params":{"ShouldIncludeActors":true,"RecursionDepth":0}}

CallResult (you can receive, if subscribed) Topic: {"Type":"CallResult","Target":"XXX-Client","ExecutedOn":"XXX-Engine","Method":"GetWorld","ID":"000"} Message: { "Result": [ { "World": { "Name": "LVL_PixotopeVSSample", "PrettyName": "LVL_PixotopeVSSample", "Type": "Editor", "CompositingMode": "Internal", "IsDirty": false, "Actors": [ { "Name": "WorldSettings_1", "PrettyName": "WorldSettings1", "Type": "WorldSettings", "AdjustmentStatus": "ORIGINAL", "Visibility": true, "Mobility": "NO_TRANSFORM", "RenderLayer": "NONE" } ] } } ] }

World Settings

Calls allowing for manipulating World Settings.



This call is scheduled for deprecation. Please use ResetProperty with an array of PropertyPaths instead.

Reset pixotope settings group.


  • SettingsGroup STRING Legacy grouping of settings. Please use a different call.



This call is scheduled for deprecation. Please use GetProperty instead with an array of PropertyPaths instead.

Send current values of a settings group to Data Hub.


  • SettingsGroup STRING Legacy grouping of settings. Please use a different call.

  • ShouldIncludeDetails BOOL OPTIONAL Default: true


Calls exposed by the Pixotope Engine's adjustment system.



Check if a particular property was modified. Possible AdjustmentStatus values: UNKNOWN, DEFAULT, MODIFIED, SPAWNED, EDITOR


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • PropertyPath STRING ARRAY STRING Dot-separated path to the targeted property, or an array of such paths. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Check if a particular object's visibility was modified. Possible AdjustmentStatus values: UNKNOWN, DEFAULT, MODIFIED, SPAWNED, EDITOR


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Check if a particular object's mobility was modified. Possible AdjustmentStatus values: UNKNOWN, DEFAULT, MODIFIED, SPAWNED, EDITOR


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Check if a particular object's transform was modified. Possible AdjustmentStatus values: UNKNOWN, DEFAULT, MODIFIED, SPAWNED, EDITOR


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Check if a particular object's render layer was modified. Possible AdjustmentStatus values: UNKNOWN, DEFAULT, MODIFIED, SPAWNED, EDITOR


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Check if a particular object was modified. Possible AdjustmentStatus values: UNKNOWN, DEFAULT, MODIFIED, SPAWNED, EDITOR


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Check if a particular object was spawned with API.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Check if any object was spawned.

No params.



Check if any objects, parameters or settings were modified in this world.

No params.



Reset all adjustments applied to this world.


  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Bakes all adjustments permanently into the world. Works in the editor mode only.

No params.




Returns Pixotope and Unreal Engine versions

No params.



Execute a command in the engine console.


  • Command STRING An engine console command to execute.

  • BroadcastUpdate BOOL OPTIONAL Should Engine send an Update message for changed values? Default: true



Send the compositing mode of current world. Possible return values: Internal, External

No params.



Load a new level without closing the project.


  • LevelPath(example: Levels/TestMap0) STRING



Reload the current level without closing the project.

No params.



Feature under development.

Send a list of function descriptions that were marked for auto-layouting.


  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Get all the object names mapped to a certain object search tag.


  • ObjectSearchTag STRING Pixotope object search tag. For example: post_process_handler.



Get all the object search tags with object names mapped to them.

No params.



Force a broadcast for a particular property.


  • UpdateType STRING Only PropertyChanged supported for now.

  • ObjectSearch STRING ARRAY STRING Unique name of the target Actor, or Actor.Component, or a special_tag, or an array of multiple object searches. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.

  • PropertyPath STRING ARRAY STRING Dot-separated path to the targeted property, or an array of such paths. Hover over the star left of your property in the Engine to learn the desired value.



Trigger saving dirty editor packages.

No params.

Call Responses

Every executed call responds with a CallResult message that holds either relevant data or an error message.

Call Result

Every successful call result coming from the Engine holds a JSON array filed (called Result). It is an array because almost any executed Call can be scaled to target muliple objects.


If a call fails, the call result message holds an Error filed instead of Result. This filed can inform on what was the reason for the failure.


Certain calls can optionally broadcast meaningful Update messages throughout the network. It can be useful for keeping otherwise uninvolved client software up to date with what's happening in the engine.

Adding Adjustments

Pixotope Engine has a feature allowing all the remote changes done in Live or Live Preview to be saved and later applied on start again. In order to add your Call as an adjustment add to it a param named IsAdjustment, set to true.

Advanced RPC Usage

Object Search

Many commands take


as their first argument. It allows to target world's actors, components, and some other special objects with the commands. Typically, in order to target actors, one can just type a unique name of this actor. To find out the unique name of an actor, move the mouse over the label of the actor in

World Outliner

in the Editor, and the unique name will be shown in the tooltip.


also accepts certain predefined names for targeting special objects:

  • tracked_camera
  • camera_root
  • material_handler
  • post_process_handler
  • api_manager
  • video_io_controller
  • world_settings
  • compositing_planes
  • level_blueprint
  • virtual_lights

Otherwise the object search will by default look for the first actor in the scene of the given name.

Alternatively, it is possible to access the following advanced search modes:

  • . (component search, by adding a dot after actors nameand following it with the component name, ex. SomeActor0.SomeComponent42)
  • all_of_type (followed by a type name will return all actors of a given type currently existing in the scene)
  • first_of_type (followed by a type name will return the first actor of a given type currently existing in the scene)

Property Path


parameter, required by many calls, is used to target certain properties(fields) on objects. For properties existing directly in particular object's class the property path will be just this properties' name. However for children of struct properties path will consist of consecutive property names separated with a dot. For example:


(targeting float X in Position vector in Parameters struct).

Ignore Property Value

In case that we are sending SetProperty or SetSettings we might sometimes want our call to be ignored for particular properties. To achieve that pass


string as a value.

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