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XR Wall

With XR you can extend your physical set beyond its borders or create a virtual window into another world. This is done by rendering the virtual scene onto for example LED screens using the perspective of the camera.

The XR Wall is a special Pixotope actor which is used as the representation of the physical display screen within the virtual environment.

Learn more about how to Set up an XR level (virtual window)

Learn more about how to Adjust XR

Settings in Engine/Editor

Per XR Wall

Output position

Choose how to place this XR Wall on the render output. Options are

  • Full screen

  • One of the four quadrants (Upper left, Upper right, Lower left, Lower right)

  • Custom - see Custom Output Position Min and Max

Output number

The index of the Output routed to this machine, onto which the XR Wall should be rendered to.

Custom Output Position Min/Max

When the Output position is set to "Custom", use these parameters to specify the exact position of the XR Wall on the render output.

Color grading

Compensate for color discrepancies of the physical planes.


World settings > Pixotope XR Compositing

Enable XR

This enables XR rendering

XRCalibration Mode

Experimental feature to help with position/rotation calibration of XR walls

Default Output

Default internal buffers for XR walls if no output is routed to the machine

Disable Tonemapper

Checked by default as one usually does not want tone mapping on XR Walls.
The tone mapping is handled by the display gamma of the output device.

XR Overscan

Blends between inside and outside camera view - 1 is no blend

Automatically Optimize Camera Rotation and FOV

Pixotope will take control of the virtual camera to optimize the view for the output

Render Outside Camera View

Renders an environment quality version of the areas of the scene which are outside the camera's view (frustum)

NOTE: Disabled when "Automatically Optimize Camera Rotation and FOV" is enabled

Update Frequency Of Outside Camera View

1 is every frame, 5 is update disabled

Use Only Outside Camera View Rendering

for debug use

Sample Outside Frustum Color

Replacement color for the outside rendering pixels (can be set if "Render Outside Camera View" is disabled)

XR From Current Camera

Uses the current camera position to project XR. Enable this when using virtual camera moves.

Disable Custom Depth

Gain performance by disabling Custom Depth rendering (disables AR and VS)

Disable Motion blur in XR

Disables motion blur in the render output. Checked by default.

World settings > Pixotope World

DLSS Quality

Uses NVIDIA's DLSS to increase the quality of the XR rendering. For supported graphics cards and more details see Using NVIDIA DLSS

World settings > Pixotope Compositing

Custom Debug Texture XROutside Frustum

Set a custom texture for the outside camera view

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