Compositing color space
Learn more about how to Configure your color pipeline
3D graphics and video are composited together in the compositing color space.
Compositing Color Space is a show setting and can be changed in SETUP > Show > Show settings > Base settings
In Pixotope you can choose between the following compositing color spaces:
Linear space
Photorealistic compositing
For HDR and color-managed workflows
The video input is converted to linear color data (with user-controlled color management) and combined with linear color graphics before being tone-mapped back to non-linear color data for the output
Learn more about linear space compositing and color management.
Video space (legacy)
The Video Space mode will configure Pixotope’s video mixing engine to work similarly to a traditional video mixer, where it combines the input video and generated graphics after being tonemapped.
For SDR and legacy workflows
No color management or HDR output
The input material is assumed to be Rec.709 and the graphics are mapped to Rec.709 before being combined with the video