Store API - Calls
Changes the open show. This can be a new one.
ParamsShowName | STRING | Name of show to change to. |
Same as ChangeShow, but also sets the project path from the provided argument.
ParamsShowName | STRING | Name of the new show. |
Project | STRING | Path of .uproject file of the linked project. |
Same as CreateShow but also copies all files from the "Template"-location to the "Project" location.
ParamsShowName | STRING | Name of the new show. |
Project | STRING | Path of folder the template project should be copied to (linked project). |
Template | STRING | Path of .uproject file of the template project. |
Renames a show.
ParamsShowName | STRING | Name of the show to rename. |
NewShowName | STRING | New name. |
Duplicates a show.
ParamsShowName | STRING | Name of the show to duplicate. |
Deletes the show from disk.
ParamsShowName | STRING | Name of show to delete. |
Will return the complete state of a specific service and show. This is useful when importing settings from another show and similar.
To get the current show, use a normal Get
Service | STRING | Name of the service. |
ShowName | STRING | Name of the show. |
Same as GetStateForShow, but returns the states of all services.
ParamsShowName | STRING | Name of the show. |
Same as GetAllStatesForShow, using the current show.
No params.GetShowFile
Gets a complete show DB file in binary format.
ParamsShowName | STRING | Name of the show. |
Creates a new camera system object under a unique identifier. Use AddDefaultCamera when possible.
ParamsName | STRING | Name of the new camera system. |
Fingerprint | STRING | Unique identifier of the owner. |
ObjectState | OBJECT | Camera object. |
Same as AddCamera, but the Camera/Chain-object is created based on defaults. This is the most common way of creating a camera.
ParamsName | STRING | Name of the new camera system. |
Fingerprint | STRING | Unique identifier of the owner. |
Duplicates the camera system with the specified name and updates the fingerprint of the duplicate.
ParamsName | STRING | Name of the new camera system to duplicate. |
Fingerprint | STRING | Unique identifier of the new owner. |
Same as DuplicateCamera but for ObjectTrackerGroup.
ParamsGroup | STRING | Name of the new object tracker group to duplicate. |
Fingerprint | STRING | Unique identifier of the owner. |
Creates a new Object Tracker Group object under a unique identifier.
ParamsName | STRING | Name of the new object tracker group. |
Fingerprint | STRING | Unique identifier of the owner. |
Creates a new Tracker object under the provided Group ID.
ParamsGroup | STRING | Name of the object tracker group the object tracker should be added to. |
Name | STRING | Name of the new object tracker. |
Used for creating objects under unique identifiers in the database, used mostly internally (for example in AddCamera).
ParamsPosition | STRING |
ObjectState | OBJECT |
ParamsChain |
ComputerName |
IP |
ParamsChain |
ComputerName |
Video IO
Adds a new VideoIO object.
ParamsObjectState | OBJECT | VideoIO object. |
Fingerprint | STRING | Unique identifier of the new owner. |
ParamsVideoIOName |
ParameterName |
Value |
ParamsVideoIO |
Pipeline |
Video |
Routes a VideoIO object to the designated Pipeline (VideoIO service on a specific machine). If the VideoIO object is a camera, it also routes tracking information using the IP.
ParamsVideoIO | OBJECT | VideoIO object. |
Pipeline | STRING | Name of the VideoIO service (on a specific machine) the videoIO object should be routed to. |
Video | STRING | Input/output address to use (for example sdi1 if using AJA or BMD). |
IP | STRING | IP address of the target machine, in case the VideoIO is a Camera and tracking data needs to be sent. |
Removes a VideoIO routing from a Pipeline (VideoIO service).
ParamsVideoIO | OBJECT | VideoIO object. |
Pipeline | STRING | Name of the VideoIO service the videoIO object is routed to. |
Relays an RPC message to all connected instances of a specific service (or all services).
ParamsTopic | OBJECT | Topic of the message you want to relay
In the "Target" field you specify the services you want to target. Possible values: "DataHub" | "Store" | "DirectorAPI" | "VideoIO" | "Tracking" | "Director" | "Engine" | "All" |
Message | OBJECT | Message you want to relay. |
ParamsService |
ParamsMachine | STRING |
IsServer | BOOLEAN |
ParamsNumber |