WYSIWYG broadcast workflow
Pixotope Editor utilizes the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) concept for the live editing of levels. As the name implies, it allows graphics operators and artists to create, design and edit in the context of a live studio environment. This means that features such as video inputs and outputs, camera tracking and remote control are all available in the Editor while you are editing.
Do not use WYSIWYG to evaluate final output quality and performance.
WYSIWYG is only applicable in Edit mode and is not meant to be used for the final live output. Using WYSIWYG means that the engine is rendering the level from multiple viewpoints, and it will, therefore, affect performance.
Learn more about how to Run levels in Edit, Preview Live and LIVE mode
Necessary Pixotope actors
If video inputs and outputs as well as camera tracking have been configured correctly in the Pixotope Director, no user interaction is required to use the WYSIWYG system. The Pixotope Editor automatically adds the necessary actors to your level.
If you create an empty level or import an existing Unreal level into Pixotope Editor, it will automatically create the following actors in the level:

The CameraRoot defines the origin of your virtual scene. The PixotopeTrackedCamera actor is parented under the CameraRoot, which means that any transformations of the CameraRoot will also apply to the PixotopeTrackedCamera. The CameraRoot can be translated and rotated from the "Details" panel in the Editor or the "Objects" panel in Director.
The PixotopeTrackedCamera is the virtual representation of your physical camera and camera tracking system. It receives camera tracking data from the Tracking Server and is responsible for creating the final output graphics.
You never interact with the PixotopeTrackedCamera directly.
The MaterialHandler coordinates and keeps track of compositing and image processing inside the render engine.
You never interact with the MaterialHandler directly.
The PostProcessHandler (PPH) is an actor that allows for advanced image processing and effects. Pixotope utilizes this as part of its effects and compositing pipeline. You are free to use the PostProcessHandler to tweak effects. If needed you can also add PostProcessingVolumes (PPV).
The "Effects" and "Color Grading" panels in Pixotope Director interface with the PostProcessHandler.
Accessing Pixotope actors
These actors can also be accessed through the Outliner menu on the right.

WYSIWYG can be turned off in Pixotope World Settings > General.

Live video preview for AR
To see the live video preview for the AR backplate in the Editor viewport, enable "AR WYSIWYG in Editor" (in Pixotope World Settings > AR) in addition to "Enable WYSIWYG".