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Nvidia driver installation

For full feature support and performance, we recommend using the latest stable Nvidia drivers.

Please follow the instructions to download the correct drivers and do a clean install.

Check what type of driver you are using

  1. Right-click on your Windows desktop, and choose Nvidia control panel


  2. Click Help → System Information


  3. Look for Driver Type in Display → Details
    It should be either Standard or DCH


Download the NVIDIA drivers

  1. Go to →

  2. Choose Geforce drivers under the Drivers tab



  3. Choose your graphics card from the drop-down menu

    Choose the driver type you checked earlier - Standard or DCH



  4. Choose either Nvidia Studio drivers or Geforce Game Ready Drivers

  5. Download them to your machine



Install the NVIDIA drivers

  1. Double click the driver you downloaded to start the installation



  2. Choose Nvidia Graphics Driver and DO NOT choose NVIDIA Graphics Driver and GeForce Experience as it installs background applications like shadow play, which can reduce the overall performance of the graphics card up to around 10%.



  3. Choose Custom (Advanced)



  4. Under Custom installation options, make sure Perform a clean installation is ticked. This makes sure that there are no settings stored from previous driver installations which could interfere.



  5. Click next, and let the driver installation finish

  6. Restart to make sure the driver is loaded correctly

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