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Create a Manual Twin - Digital Twin XR

Without Pixotope Tracking, the Digital Twin has to be created manually.

For creating an automatic Digital Twin using Pixotope Tracking check out Calibrate XR alignment

Create manual bodies

Create one Manual Twin body for any LED body. A body is a continuous LED surface. A curved LED wall with an extra LED floor would, for example, be 2 separate bodies.

  1. Select the Digital Twin XR actor and go to its Details panel

  2. Click on "Create/Edit Manual Body" inside 1. Initialize Twin > Manual Twin

  3. Optionally: Choose a name

  4. Specify the panel dimensions in cm and the panel resolution in pixel

  5. Select the Type (Single or Cube) and specify its options

  6. Click "Create Manual Body"

Single type

Single type

A single wall/body with optional curvature is created.

Wall with curvature

  1. Specify the Column and Row Count

  2. Specify if the wall should be curved along the Columns or Rows

  3. Optionally: Set an Overall Curvature in degrees
    OR create an array and specify the Curvature Per Column/Row individually

Cube type

Cube type

Flat walls/bodies are created placed on a cube.

Floor, Center and Right wall

  1. Specify the Width, Height and Depth of the Cube/Walls

  2. Select which sides of the Cube should be created (Floor, Ceiling, Left, Center, Right, Back)

Convert any 3D mesh

Convert pre-made mesh

You can convert any mesh, or multiple meshes, into manual bodies/a digital twin.

If your mesh is properly measured to represent your physical LED setup (from a CAD drawing or .obj file for example), the setup should only take minutes.

One XR wall is created for each quad of the mesh.

  1. Import mesh(es) into your level

  2. Right click the selection

  3. Select "Generate XR walls from Actors"

  4. Use the following menu to fine-tune the generation

    1. if your XR walls are facing the wrong way, toggle “Flip Normals”

    2. “Optimize Faces” will collapse faces that share vertices and have a similar normal direction. See the following gif for an example

    3. "Optimize Threshold" is for the normals' value. By default this value is almost touching, but can be manipulated if the normals are at all shifted

  5. Select all XR walls and right click

  6. Select "Convert XR walls to Digital Twin"

  7. Increase the Connection Threshold to connect XR walls which are close to each other into a single body

Create mappings

  1. Click "Create All Mappings" in 2. Create Mappings

Learn more about how to Create mappings

Position and scale the Manual Twin

  1. Position and scale the Digital Twin XR actor to align with the real world LED walls

    • Enable WYSIWYG to make aligning the walls easier

Learn more about WYSIWYG and the Edit mode in general

Check your alignment using an AR machine

Learn more about how to Check your alignment

Create XR holdouts

  1. Click "Create Holdouts" in 3. Create Holdouts

Learn more about how to Create holdouts

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