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Video tutorials

Get started with a selection of video tutorials covering a variety of topics.

For readers of the PDF version, videos are available in our online documentation at →

Getting started

Academy Tutorial - Getting Started

  • Learn how to launch a project in Pixotope and configure a basic camera & routing for your Virtual Production.

Set up an AR level

Academy Tutorial - Introduction to Augmented reality (AR)

This tutorial showcases an older version of Pixotope.

  • An introduction to Augmented Reality (AR)

Academy Tutorial - Introduction to Virtual Studios

  • Learn how to create Virtual Studios in Pixotope including camera input, key, comp plane, and shadows workflows.

Academy Tutorial - Using the Pixotope Keyer

Pixotope Editor

Creative Introduction

  • Quick Introduction to the Pixotope Editor from a Creative Perspective

Pixotope Editor Introduction

  • Pixotope Editor Tools Interface

    • VS/AR Production Options

    • Custom Pixotope Modes Tab

    • Optimization Tab

  • Pixotope vs Unreal Editor Interface

    • Added Interface Features Overview

Level Structure

  • Master/Sub Level Workflow

  • Persistent Level (Master)

  • Essential Actors in Levels

  • Creating/Adding Sub Levels to Master Level

Importing assets

  • Import Asset Workflow

  • FBX Import Settings

    • Static Mesh

    • Skeletal Mesh

    • Animation

Input Media

Academy Tutorial - Using Multiple Video Inputs

  • Learn how to use Media inputs to set up virtual monitors and other video feeds for your scene

Triggering Events in Sequential Order

  • Combining Events into One Trigger Event

  • Organizing Blueprints

  • Calling Events Within a Blueprint

  • System for Triggering Events in Sequence

  • Logic for Resetting Trigger Event Sequence

Using Virtual Cameras

  • Creating Blueprint to Control Virtual Camera Move

    • Blueprint Window Interface Overview

    • Creating Variables

    • Create Events

    • Tracked Camera Reference

    • Pixotope Switch Camera Nodes

    • Logic for Playing a Level Sequence

  • Assigning Assets to Blueprint

  • Using Virtual Cameras

  • Creating and Using a Level Sequence

Performance Debugging

  • Optimization Panel Overview

  • Visualizing Statistics

  • Optimization Viewport Modes

PostProcessHandler vs PostProcessVolume

Academy Tutorial - PostProcessHandler vs PostProcessVolume

  • PostProcessHandler

  • PostProcessVolume

Pixotope specific blueprint nodes

Academy Tutorial - Custom blueprints

  • Pixotope blueprints

  • Other blueprint setups useful for productions

Set up an XR level (virtual window)

Academy Tutorial - XR Manual Alignment

This tutorial showcases an older version of Pixotope.

  • Learn how to align the XR walls in Pixotope with the physical LED wall

Pixotope Director

Academy Tutorial - Overview of Pixotope Director

  • Get an overview of the Pixotope Director and its workflow

Academy Tutorial - Pixotope Director Walkthrough - START View

  • Step by Step Walkthrough of the START View in Director

Academy Tutorial - Pixotope Director Walkthrough - SETUP View

  • Step by Step Walkthrough of the SETUP View in Director

Academy Tutorial - Pixotope Director Walkthrough - PRODUCTION View

  • Step by Step Walkthrough of the PRODUCTION View in Director

Control Panel

Academy Tutorial - User configurable control panel

  • Introduction to our control panel

Pixotope Cloud

Manage users and licenses

Pixotope Cloud Introduction

  • Step by Step Walkthrough of Pixotope Cloud

  • For Pixotope Admins

    • Creating New Users

    • Assigning Licenses to Users

  • For Pixotope Users (starting at 04:00)

    • Downloading Pixotope

    • Introducing the documentation and example projects

    • Creating a support ticket

Pixotope Content

Pixotope Event System

Academy Tutorial - Pixotope Event System

  • Learn how to set up the Pixotope Event System

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