Adjust effects
Unreal Engine provides high-quality lens and image effects that simulate how a real camera works and that can be used to enhance the realism of graphics and make integration with video easier.
Effects apply to all graphics
Effects apply to the main video source

Chromatic aberration
Chromatic aberration manifests itself as "fringes" of color along boundaries that separate dark and bright parts of the image.
Lens flare
Simulates the lens flare effect that happens on real-world cameras when viewing bright objects. When enabled, you can make adjustments.
Brightness scale of the image-based lens flares (linear).
Defines the minimum brightness of pixels that contribute to the lens flare. Setting a high threshold prevents very dark content from being blurred; it also improves performance, as the fill rate cost increases linearly with the number of pixels passing the threshold.
Dirt Mask
The bloom dirt mask effect uses a texture to brighten up the bloom in some defined screen areas. This can be used to create a dirty look or a more impressive HDR effect, or to simulate camera imperfections.
Scales the color of the bloom dirt mask effect (linear). This property is used to tweak dirt mask brightness.
Bloom is a rendering effect used to simulate the real-world phenomena seen on bright objects on much darker backgrounds, and helps to add realism to the scene.
Scales the color of the whole bloom effect (linear). Possible uses: fade in or out over time, darken.
Defines how many luminance units a color needs to have to affect bloom. In addition to the threshold, there is a linear part (one unit wide) where the color only partly affects the bloom. To have all scene colors contributing to the bloom, a volume of -1 needs to be used. Possible uses: tweak for some not real HDR content, dream sequence.
Vignette simulates the effect that occurs with real-world camera lenses, seen by loss of light (darkening) near the edges of the image.
Motion blur
If the graphic elements seem staggered in fast camera movements, apply motion blur.
Screen space reflection
Screen space reflection alters the reflected appearance of objects on surface materials based on screen space.
Image Up/Down sampling
Screen percentage
Screen percentage is a resolution-scaling technique used to render a lower- or higher-resolution image than what is actually being presented. Adjusting the screen percentage allows you to maintain a balance in your scenes between performance and image resolution quality.
Under sampling/Over sampling
Temporal upsampling
Use the quality slider to decide between the level of quality vs performance.
Quality | 8 | 4 | 0 |
Performance | 0 | 4 | 8 |
Higher quality | Higher performance |
Learn more about Using NVIDIA DLSS
Enables bloom from the 3D graphics to affect the video backplate.
Controls the intensity of the bloom over the video backplate