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Sync projects and other files in Synced storage

The Asset Hub is a shared data storage service that automatically synchronizes content in between connected machines. It does so for files and folders in

  • ...\Pixotope\Synced Storage

    • Projects for your project folders/files (levels, maps, .uproject)

    • Common for any other files you want to sync across machines

    • Internal for internal files - DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE!

  • ...\Pixotope\[Version number]\Synced Config

    • Lens files stores the (default) lens files used in the Camera tracking panel

    • Pixotope XR Calibration stores calibrated LUTs generated in the Color matching panel

Learn more about the the synced folders in Pixotope Asset Hub

Synced storage panel overview

In SETUP or PRODUCTION views, you can find the Synced storage panel in the Show section. It shows

  • a list of your changes which are ready to be pushed

  • a list of all changes ready to be pulled

These changes are listed

  • per project

  • per folder

    • Linked projects

    • Common files

    • Synced config

No changes to push or pull

If there are no local changes to push, and no pre-existing changes to pull, you will see this state:

Local changes to push

Once you make local changes, they will appear in the Your changes to push section, categorised by the type of change.

The project header indicates that you are out of sync and need to push changes.

Changes to pull

If another connected machine makes changes and pushes them, they will appear in the All changes to pull section, categorised by the type of change.

The project header indicates that you are out of sync and need to pull changes.

Changes to pull and push

If you have both local changes present and changes available to pull, you can choose the order of operations.

No overlaps between edited files

If there are no overlaps between file edits in the pull and push sections, like in the image below, then the order doesn’t matter.

Files ready to be pulled have been edited locally

If you have been editing a file and someone else pushed edits to the same file before you did, like in the image below, you have 2 options.

Pull first
  • Your overlapping changes are saved in a generated -pxconflict file

  • Your changes to push are cleared

Use this when you want to have the most up-to-date file version, and also keep your edits safe.

If you want to push/share -pxconflict files, you will have to rename them first as they are ignored by default.

Push first
  • Your edits overwrite the file for all other connected machines

  • Available changes to pull are cleared

Use this when you want your edits to persist.

Don’t worry if you realise the previous version was better. To undo it, go to the Show Settings panel, and click Revert last change.

All available operations

  • Open folder location icon button

  • a button to Push changes - this sends any local changes to the Server machine’s cache

  • a button to Pull changes - this gets the latest changes from the Server machine’s cache

    • press Ctrl to Force pull changes - while regular pulling only gets newly pushed changes, Force pulling will sync your local machine to exactly match the Server machine’s cache. Use it if changing servers, or to clear your current local changes changelog.

    • press Ctrl + Shift to Hard reset & pull - this operation is destructive, it will sync your local machine to exactly match the Server machine’s cache, deleting local data that does not match.

  • a toggle to Auto-pull - this will automatically pull changes as they become available from the Server machine’s cache.

  • a button to Refresh list - this will scan all the relevant folders to look for new local changes or available pulls. For larger folders, this could take a while.

Syncing other files


This folder is automatically setup when installing Pixotope. Use it to share useful content during productions.

All of the behaviour documented above for syncing projects carries over to the Common folder as well. Auto-pull is on by default.

Synced Config

This folder is different from the Projects and Common folders in that it exists inside the installation folder, making it unique per installation.

All of the behaviour documented above for syncing projects carries over to the Synced Config folder as well. Auto-pull is on by default.

Set up synced projects

For a new show

Learn more about how to Create, open and manage shows

For an existing show

  1. Manually move or copy the desired project folder into the Synced Storage/Projects path

    1. If the desired project is already linked, Go to SETUP > Show > Launch, and click "Open folder location" icon in the project’s header to find the folder faster

  2. Go to SETUP > Show > Show Settings

  3. Click "Add project link" or "Edit project path" in the Linked projects table

  4. Select the desired project from the Synced Storage/Projects path

The folders DerivedDataCache, Intermediate, and Saved are ignored by default. Also any file with -pxconflict is also ignored by default.
Learn more about Ignored files/folders

Sync files

Example flow

  1. User on machine A

    • makes changes and pushes them

  2. Machine B and C which have Auto-pull on

    • automatically pull these changes

  3. User on machine D

    • pulls these changes

Pushing changes

Pulling changes

Levels should be closed while syncing.

Launch panel after setting up projects to be synced

In the Launch panel each synced project has

  • an Open folder location button

  • a button to Push changes - this sends any local changes to the Server machine’s cache

  • a button to Pull changes - this gets the latest changes from the Server machine’s cache

  • a toggle to Auto-pull - this will automatically pull changes as they become available from the Server machine’s cache

Initial push of the project

  1. Click the "Push changes" button in the Launch panel

    • The project is first optimized for syncing and then pushed to the server machine

The status panel (click the footer) will show you the sync progress and status

Syncing (Push/Pull) is done per project.

Pull the project/changes

After the push is done and the syncing to the server has finished, connected machines can now pull the project into their Synced Storage/Projects folder. Until they do, they will be/show Out of sync.

  1. Click the "Pull changes" button in the Launch panel


  1. Enable "Auto-pull" to automatically pull new changes

To avoid conflicts, Auto-pull is switched OFF, when launching a level in EDITOR.

Make changes to files

  1. Edit your project files as needed

  2. Don’t forget to save!

  3. Click on "Push changes" when you're ready to share

  4. Other machines can manually pull or automatically receive these changes after they have been pushed

Special cases

Reverting the last change

Have you accidentally pushed/pulled a change which contained issues? Using Revert last change let’s you undo the last change locally.

  1. Go to SETUP > Show > Show settings > Linked projects

  2. Click "Revert last change" in the overflow menu on the right

  3. The local project state is reverted to the last one

  4. If you are happy with this state, then push the changes

In case it says No changes to push, please make a small/dummy change and try again.

Editing the same file(s) simultaneously

If different machines are editing the same file and then

  • Push

    • the version from the one which pushes last will persist

  • Pull

    • the local file will be renamed [File name]-pxconflict_[date]_[time].[File extension]

Changing servers

The Asset Hub cache lives on the server machine. It holds

  • the cache of the files

  • the changelog

In case the changelog of the Asset Hub cache does not correspond to the one of the connected machines, pushing or pulling changes will result in an error due to a mismatch of their "history".

To resolve this error:

  1. Hold down Ctrl and click the "Force pull changes" button in the Launch panel

Start with a clean slate

In case one of the machines is out of sync and you want to ignore any conflicts and start with a clean slate

On the machine which has the most up-to-date version:

  1. Click "Push changes"

On the machine which is out of sync:

  1. Go to SETUP > Show > Show settings > Linked projects

  2. Click on the overflow menu of the project you want to sync

  3. Click "Hard reset and pull (Destructive)"

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