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Create level and set up color-managed viewport

Create a new empty level

You can reuse a level, or create a new empty level:

  1. Right-click in the Content Browser and choose "Level"

    1. Name your level

    2. Open it by double-clicking the level icon

    3. In the "Save Content" dialog that appears, click "Save Selected"

  2. Or choose "New Level..." from the "File" menu

    1. Choose the "Empty level" template

    2. Save the level by clicking "Save current" from the "File" menu

    3. Name your level

Pixotope automatically adds the following objects to the level:

  • CameraRoot - your virtual reference point for the studio origin

  • TrackedCamera - your real tracked camera transferred into virtual space

  • PostProcessHandler - enables post-processing effects like camera effects and color correction

  • MaterialHandler - runs essential shaders for compositing

Video tutorial - Level Structure

Set up a color-managed viewport

If you are using a color-managed workflow, you can enable a color-managed viewport in the Editor to preview your work in the correct output color space.

Learn more about how to Configure your color pipeline

  1. Make sure you are working in Linear space

    1. In Director check: SETUP > Show > Show settings > Compositing color space

  2. In the OCIO menu in the viewport, click "OCIO Viewport Enabled" in the OCIO

  3. The color profile of the viewport is now linked to the color profile selection of the chosen (routed) output (Director: SETUP > Configure > Routing)

    • To manually override the color profile, just select any other ACES color profile

Color-managed working in the Editor is currently only possible using a single viewport.

The color-managed viewport does not affect the SDI/NDI output.

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