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Calibrate delays

Depending on your tracking and video pipeline, you can end up with delayed video or tracking data. To avoid Graphics elements sliding when the camera is panned, tilted or zoomed, we need to synchronize video and tracking data.

Configure frame matching method

  1. Select the frame matching method supported by your system - see available frame matching methods below

  2. For Timecode method

    1. Choose your primary timecode source

    2. Check for incoming timecode

Learn more about how to Configure timecode (LTC)

Frame matching methods

Frame matching methods explained


Buffer size
(no frame matching)

This ensures a stable buffer size by deleting overflow, and by duplicating packets when the buffer size is too low.

  • Requires manual syncing

  • Will cause stuttering when tracking data is unstable


This method uses a timecode source to auto lock video and tracking data.

Tracking data with embedded timecode is currently supported by the following tracking systems:

  • EZtrack

  • Ncam

  • SMT

  • Stype Red Spy

  • TrackMen

  • Technocrane

  • UX v2

The "Primary" timecode source in the machine header is used for auto locking.

Arrival Timestamp

This method is similar to Buffer size, but uses the video and tracking arrival timestamps to handle errors.

Automatically calibrate video and tracking delays

Learn more about how to Use automatic delay detection

Manually calibrate video and tracking delays

To manually calibrate the delay between video and tracking

  1. Pan the physical camera quickly and stop abruptly

  2. Check to see whether the previously placed calibration cone slips temporarily from the marked point

    • Use the -/+ buttons or the input field to change the delay

If the graphic moves first

If the camera feed moves first

Subtract video delay for the camera

If that is not possible, then add tracking delay

Add video delay for the camera

If that is not possible, then subtract tracking delay

Use the filters on the top of the page to focus on the areas you are working on.

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 14.00.52.png

Available delays



Global > Set extension (for AR)


Delays the graphics independently while keeping graphics and tracking locked*

Global > Execution time


Delays any API call to the engine*

Video delay


Delays the video feed/Increases the video buffer size

Tracking delay


Delays the tracking feed/Increases the tracking buffer size

  • Supports separate control of the Transform and Lens delay

  • Supports decreasing the default buffer size*

  • Supports subframe delay

Video delay


Delays the video feed/Increases the video buffer size

  • Supports decreasing the default buffer size*

Audio delay


Delays the audio feed/Increases the audio buffer size

* See Configure and calibrate multi-machine syncing for more details

Separate transform and lens delay

In case the transform and lens data provided by your tracking system is not in sync, you can edit the delays for them separately.

  1. Click on the Break icon to separate tracking and lens delay

  2. Control the tracking and lens delay separately

To unify them, click on one of the icons again.

Calibrate delays between AR and XR

  1. Launch a level on all AR/XR machines

  2. In the Global section of the Delays panel change Display mode to "Syncing"

    • This can also be done on the PRODUCTION > XR panel

  3. Rotating shapes are shown on both the AR and the XR machines

    • On XR machines/LED wall these are red, on AR machines they are green

      Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 13.58.54.png

  4. Manually adjust the Set extension delay until the shape movements match/overlap and appear yellow

Timecode is needed for this to work. Learn more about how to Configure timecode (LTC)

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 16.35.49.png

Calibrate delays for a multi-machine setup

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