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Supported input and output types


See System Requirements for supported AJA video cards

Input/Output options


Input source

Spigot number 1-8


  • Fill - default setting, allows for using the internal Video Keyer (default)

  • Key - the video is keyed externally and is provided as a separate fill and key signal

  • Fill and Key combined - the video is keyed externally and is provided as a combined fill and key signal

Use a media input for Key. The camera system needs to be Fill.


Extract tracking from audio > Audio channel

Color > Range

Learn more about SDI signal range


Output destination

Spigot number 1-8

Output type

  • Fill - for internal compositing mode (default)

  • Key - for external compositing mode

Learn more about Compositing modes



Learn more about how to Configure audio output

Color > Range

Learn more about SDI signal range

Color > Super brights

By default super bright values are clamped, but can be allowed through for HDR workflows.


See System Requirements for supported BlackMagic Design DeckLink video cards

Blackmagic Desktop Video Setup

  1. Set the Connector Mapping to SDI 1 In or Out in the Blackmagic Desktop Video Setup application

Blackmagic Desktop Video Setup application - Connector Mapping options

SDI 1 & 2 In, SDI 3 & 4 Out

This option requires two cables for a single input.

Not something that you would often use.

SDI 1 to 4 In or Out

This option is for 8k or UHD2, it requires all four cables to be used for a single input or output.

Not something that you would often use.

SDI 1 In, SDI 2 Out

This option is a full duplex mode, if you use this you must use the same spigots within Director (e.g. Camera SDI 1, and Output SDI 1).

This can help if you have no reference -- but not having a Genlock reference is STRONGLY not advised.

SDI 1 In or Out

This option treats all spigots as either a single input or single output (e.g. Camera SDI 1, and Output SDI 2).

This is the suggested mode for Pixotope.

Input/Output options


Input source

Spigot number 1-8


  • Fill - default setting, allows for using the internal Video Keyer (default)

  • Key - the video is keyed externally and is provided as a separate fill and key signal

  • Fill and Key combined - the video is keyed externally and is provided as a combined fill and key signal

Use a media input for Key. The camera system needs to be Fill.


Extract tracking from audio > Audio channel

Color > Range

Learn more about SDI signal range


Output destination

Spigot number 1-8

Output type

  • Fill - for internal compositing mode (default)

  • Key - for external compositing mode

Learn more about Compositing modes



Learn more about how to Configure audio output

Color > Range

Learn more about SDI signal range

Color > Super brights

By default super bright values are clamped, but can be allowed through for HDR workflows.


This allows you to output to an HDMI output of your graphics card directly. The output is stretched to the whole monitor’s resolution and put in the "background". It can be used seamlessly in a dual monitor setup.

GPU output does not support Genlock


Output destination

Graphics card output 1-8

Output type

  • Fill

  • Key

Learn more about Compositing modes

Output format

In addition to the generally Supported video formats

  • Custom (progressive)

    • Custom width

    • Custom height


Video streaming protocol - What is NDI?


Input source

Any NDI stream on this network


  • Fill - default setting, allows for using the internal Video Keyer (default)

  • Key - the video is keyed externally and is provided as a separate fill and key signal

  • Fill and Key combined - the video is keyed externally and is provided as a combined fill and key signal

Use a media input for Key. The camera system needs to be Fill.


Output destination

Name of your output stream

Output type

  • Fill

  • Key

Learn more about Compositing modes


SRT is an established open source video streaming protocol

Input and Output


  • Caller

    • The Caller machine uses the IP address to establish the connection

  • Listener - default

    • The Listener machine is waiting for a Caller machine to establish the connection

Send to

Applicable for Caller mode

  • IP addresses of all connected machines

  • Custom IP address


Port number - default: 16213


  • MPEG4 - default

  • H264

Latency buffer

Latency in ms - default: 120


If a password is set, the stream is encrypted - default: no password set

Metadata (input only)

Extract tracking from stream

The frame rate of the incoming stream (caller) and the input (listener) must be the same!

If the Editor drops its frame rate well below the one chosen, it will lead to an SRT input buffer overflow. This then causes a rebuild of the videoIO pipeline which will, during rebuild, display “Misconfigured Input Signal”.

The frame rate of the output (caller) and the listener of the stream must be the same!

If the receiver of the output is not able to consume the incoming packets fast enough its SRT receiver buffer will overflow and most likely break the connection.


The industry-standard protocol for high-quality, uncompressed video over IP.


Input source

  • Unicast

  • Multicast

for Uncompressed Video (ST2110-20) and Ancillary (ST2110-40) carrying timecode


  • Fill - default setting, allows for using the internal Video Keyer (default)

  • Key - the video is keyed externally and is provided as a separate fill and key signal

  • Fill and Key combined - the video is keyed externally and is provided as a combined fill and key signal

Use a media input for Key. The camera system needs to be Fill.


Output destination

  • Unicast

  • Multicast

for Uncompressed Video (ST2110-20) and Ancillary (ST2110-40) carrying timecode

Output type

  • Fill - for internal compositing mode (default)

  • Key - for external compositing mode

Learn more about Compositing modes

Ways to send an SRT stream

Ways to send an SRT stream


You can use another Pixotope machine to output an SRT stream.

Learn more about how to Configure routing


Run ffmpeg as source via command line

ffmpeg.exe -fflags nobuffer -re -protocol_whitelist file,srt -i <here_input_file> -r 30 -g 30 -b:v 25M -vcodec mpeg4 -f mpegts srt://

Options used:

-fflags nobuffer- lower latency

-re - realtime playback with frame pacing here defined by -r 30

-i <here_input_file> - input source, may be a file (with path) or a url

-protocol_whitelist file,srt - on some (older or not full build) ffmpeg versions, a manual whitelisting of protocols may be required

-g 30 - GroupOfPictures size, here every the 30th frame is a key frame. Lower value means lower latency but very low values may impact quality whilst using temporal codecs (mpeg4, h264)

-b:v 25M- maximum bitrate used - here 25 MBps - quality versus required bandwidth. If user see frame drops (in the logs) it will cause broken image after decoding (broken macroblocks or whole areas of frame) should try to lower that value

-vcodec mpeg4- recommended codec

-f mpegts- transport format (only mpegts is supported)

srt:// - target IP and port

Ways to read an SRT stream

Ways to read an SRT stream


You can use the stream as an input to another Pixotope machine.

Learn more about how to Configure routing

VLC (only as Caller)

  1. Open Network

  2. Enter the IP address in the following format: srt://


Run ffplay as sink via command line

ffplay.exe srt:// -framerate 30

Options used:

srt:// - target port

-framerate 30 - for older versions of ffplay one has to specify the frame rate to secure against buffer overflow


File input

File (experimental)

Experimental feature. Use with caution!

Supported video formats: avi, dds, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpegts, ts, webm

Supported image formats: bmp, jpeg, jpg, png, tiff

File input

This allows you to use an image or video file as input.

  1. Go to SETUP > Configure > Routing

  2. Set the Input to File (experimental)

  3. Select the image or video file you want to input

  4. Playing of the file starts immediately and is played in a loop


  • No play/pause controls available

  • The frame rate can not be changed

  • There is no guarantee of fluent playback. The speed depends on the read rate of your hard drive.

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