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Presets - save and apply values - HIDDEN

This is the documentation to the unreleased presets for adjustments.

Currently it is hidden from the help center.

With presets you can save and apply fixed sets of values.

  • Quick presets

    • Quickly save and apply different settings for fast experimentation while still editing

  • Named presets

    • Give presets a name to easily remember them and recall them through the Control panel or the API

You can find the presets drawer in all adjustment panels except for IO Effects and XR.

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Presets are

  • stored in the show file

  • shared between machines

Presets store values based on the shown scope in the header of the drawer.




Video Keyer

Stores all values which can be set on this panel. This includes settings on all sub pages.

Applies the values on the selected camera system/media input.


Stores all Live changes of this panel and its sub pages.

Applies the stored values to All machines.

Camera Effects

Color Grading


Stores all Live changes of the selected object(s) and the object selection itself.

Applies the stored values to the saved object selection.

When applied in Director, it also switches to the saved object selection.

Use quick presets

Quick presets allow you to easily store settings in predefined slots and recall them with a single click.

Open quick presets

  1. Click on the camera snapshot icon on the bottom right of the presets drawer to open/close it

Save a quick preset

  1. Shift + Click one of the numbered slots to store the current settings

    • NOTE: Saving in a slot which already has a preset stored, will overwrite the stored preset

  2. The slot in which the settings are stored, is shown with a white outline

    • In a multi-machine setup, the outline color is the machine color from which this preset was saved

Single-machine setup

Multi-machine setup

Apply a quick preset

  1. Click on a numbered slot to apply the preset stored in it

    • NOTE: Clicking on an empty slot does nothing

Clear a quick preset

  1. Ctrl + Shift + Click on a numbered slot to clear the preset stored in it

    • NOTE: Numbered slots do not have to be cleared, they can just be overwritten (See "Save a quick preset")

Clear all quick presets

  1. Open the overflow menu on the top right of the drawer and choose "Clear all quick presets"

  2. Click "Clear" to confirm

Use named presets

Named presets allow you to save settings using custom names so they are recognizable and can be recalled later through the presets drawer, the control panel or the API.

Open named presets

  1. Click on the "Presets" button on the right to open/close the drawer

Save a named preset

  1. Click "Save new +"

  2. Choose a name for your preset

    • When using the default name it will automatically count up. Preset 1, Preset 2, …

Apply a named preset

  1. Open the Preset dropdown

  2. Select a named preset

Last applied indicates which preset was last applied. However, we are not keeping track of the changes you make afterwards. This means that last applied and the values you see might be different.

Overwrite a named preset

  1. Open the Preset dropdown

  2. Hover over the preset you want to overwrite with the current data

  3. Click on the Disc icon

  4. Click on "Overwrite" to confirm

Rename a named preset

  1. Open the Preset dropdown

  2. Hover over the preset you want to rename

  3. Click on the Edit icon

  4. Edit the name and press Enter to confirm

Delete a named preset

  1. Open the Preset dropdown

  2. Hover over the preset you want to delete

  3. Click on the Trash can icon

  4. Click on "Delete" to confirm

Delete all named presets

  1. Open the overflow menu on the top right of the drawer and choose "Delete all named presets"

  2. Click "Delete" to confirm

Trigger named presets from the Control panel

  1. In the Control panel open the Presets panel via the Menu on the top left

    • The panel gets docked next to the last active panel

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  2. Drag a preset onto the canvas and select for example a trigger button to link it to

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Link a list of presets

To link a whole list of presets

  1. Drag a preset onto the canvas and select a Tab or Dropdown widget

  2. Select the widget and click on the "List" tag

    • The Preset names are populated as options

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  1. Double click the widget to show its actions

  2. Right click the widget and drag the Selected property onto the PresetName field

    • Now the selected value (Preset name) is used instead of the hardcoded one

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By default the presets are applied to the Send To machines specified in the panel. Learn more about the Read from - Send to header in the Control panel

Target a specific group

To target a group of machines which is different from what is specified in the Read from - Send to header.

  1. Double click the SendToGroupName parameter

  2. Enter the name of the target group and click "Confirm"

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Target default send to group

To get back the default behaviour and use the send to group in the Read from - Send to header

  1. Click the System actions icon on the bottom of the widget icons on the left side

  2. Drag the GetSendToGroup onto the SendToGroupName field

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