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Running live production

Check your hardware

Close unnecessary applications

Close unnecessary applications to make sure Pixotope Engine can perform well. Pixotope Director does not take much resources. However it might be good practice to close its instances avoiding any accidental changes.

Launch level in LIVE mode

In production, you launch the levels in LIVE mode. This can be done remotely. 

  1. Go to PRODUCTION > Show > Launch

  2. Hover over a level and click "Launch LIVE"

  3. Select the machines you want to run that level on

  4. Click "Launch level"

The project has to have the same local path on all machines.

Make performance optimizations

Learn more about how to Make performance optimizations

Use offline mode (optional)

If the production is being carried out on a mobile site, for example, you may need to use Pixotope "offline" for a period of the production. For this, you can choose to switch to offline mode.

Do not choose a longer duration than necessary. If the machine crashes and cannot boot anymore, the license cannot be released until the end of this duration.

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