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Create, open and manage shows

The START > Storage > Shows panel displays a list of your local shows (show files) and allows you to open and manage shows.

You can

  • Create new shows

  • Import shows

  • Open shows

    • Rename shows

    • Duplicate shows

    • Open show location

    • Open linked project location

    • Delete shows

For Client role: If you are on a client machine, the displayed shows are from the server machine (read-only).

Create new show

Create a show from an existing project

  1. Click "Create new show" on START > Storage > Shows

  2. Choose "from existing project"

  3. Click "Select" and select the .uproject file of the project which should be linked

  4. Optionally edit the name for the show (file)

  5. Confirm by clicking on "Create new show"

This creates a .pxshow file with a link to the existing project

Create a show from a template

  1. Click "Create new show" on START > Storage > Shows

  2. Choose "from template"

  3. Select the project type

  4. Click "Select" and select the location where the new project should be created

  5. Enter a name for the show (file)

    • A project name will be generated complying to the Unreal engine naming restriction

  6. Confirm by clicking on "Create new show"

This creates

  • a new project (folder)

  • a .pxshow file with a link to the new project

Alternative method of creating a project

From the "File" menu in the Editor

  1. Choose "New Project"

  2. Choose the "Blueprint" tab

  3. Choose a "Blank" project

  4. Choose "Desktop/Console"

  5. Choose "Maximum Quality"

  6. Decide whether or not you want to include the starter content

  7. Make sure the folder path is part of your Pixotope projects folder paths

  8. Choose an appropriate name

  9. Click "Create Project"

  10. Next steps: See Create a show from an existing project above


Import show file

To import a show file to your local storage, manually copy the show file into [Installation folder]\Local storage\Show files

Open a show

  1. Hover over the show you want to open and click "Open show"

For Server role: When a new show is opened, the show setup is loaded on all clients.

Rename, duplicate or delete a show

  1. Hover over the overflow menu (3 dots) to the right

  2. Select one of the options

Rename show

Renames the show file.

NB: Cannot be performed on an open show.

Duplicate show

Duplicates the show file.

Delete show

Deletes the show file.

NB: Cannot be performed on an open show.

Open show location

Opens a file explorer with the show file selected.

Open linked project location

Opens a file explorer with the .uproject file of the linked project selected.

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