Adjust XR
An XR license is needed for
Showing this panel
Rendering XR Walls
In the XR panel, you can change all XR related settings available in the Editor.
Learn more about how to Set up an XR level (virtual window)
All XR related settings from Editor > World Settings
XR Wall Settings
All XR wall related settings
XR Wall Transform
XR wall transforms
All settings and transforms are applied as adjustments. Learn more about Adjusting levels - where it reads from and sends to

Output XR
This enables XR rendering.
Outside camera view
Render outside camera view
Renders an environment quality version of the areas of the scene which are outside the camera's view (frustum).
Disabled when "Automatically Optimize Camera Rotation and FOV" is enabled.
Display outside camera view color
Replacement color for the outside rendering pixels.
XR overscan
Blends between inside and outside camera view.
No blend | 1 |
Update frequency of outside camera view
Every frame | 1 |
Update disabled | 5 |
Automatically optimize camera rotation and FOV
Pixotope will take control of the virtual camera to optimize the view for the output.
Disable custom depth
Gain performance by disabling Custom Depth rendering (disables AR and VS).
Disable motion blur in XR
Disables motion blur in the render output. Checked by default.
Disable tone mapper
Checked by default as one usually does not want tone mapping on XR Walls.
Tone mapping is handled by the display gamma of the output device
Same as PRODUCTION > Effects > 3D Graphics > Image up/down sampling > NVIDIA DLSS
XR Wall Settings

List of XR walls
This table shows a list of all XR walls to which the settings on the right will be applied to.
Learn more about XR Walls
Render to output
Enables the rendering of the selected XR wall.
Visualize in viewport
Show the XR rendering of the selected XR wall in the viewport.
The rendered image is not tone mapped
Selective rendering
Select the machines on which the selected XR wall should be rendered on.
In Editor > XR wall > Details the selected machines are shown using the windows machine name.
Output position
Choose how to place this XR Wall on the render output. Options are
Full screen
One of the four quadrants (Upper left, Upper right, Lower left, Lower right)
Custom - see Custom Output Position Min and Max
Custom Output Position Min/Max
When Output position is set to "Custom", use these parameters to specify the exact position of the XR Wall on the render output.
Color grading
Compensate for color discrepancies of the physical planes.
XR Wall Transform

List of XR walls
This table shows a list of all XR walls to which the settings on the right will be applied to.
Move the selected XR wall on the corresponding X-, Y- or Z-axis by the desired increment.
Rotate the selected XR wall on the corresponding X-, Y- or Z-axis by the desired increment.
Adjust the scale of the selected XR wall on the corresponding X-, Y- or Z-axis by the desired increment
All settings and transforms are applied as adjustments. Learn more about Adjusting levels - where it reads from and sends to