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AR Shadow, Reflection & Light Catcher

The AR Shadow, Reflection & Light Catcher allows you to easily illuminate video with scene lights.

How to enable

  1. Check World Settings > Use New Light Catcher


  • Diffuse Override and SpecularOverride determine light strength and proportion of diffuse to specular component.

  • Light Multiplicative Power and Light Additive Power control blending light with the video. SceneColor = SceneColor + Video * Light * Multiplicative + Light * Additive theory is that Multiplicative can brighten the video and additive adds color.

  • Light After TAA if checked light compositing happens after TAA, it is more expensive but looks better when using DLSS or ScreenPercentage < 100

  • Add GI adds Global Illumination to Catcher

Excluding lights

Specify which lights should not contribute to lighting up the catcher. By default, all lights are used.

  1. Select the light

  2. Uncheck Light Up Catcher

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