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Find the property to control

Find the property to control

Any property with a red/orange circle to the left of the property can be controlled.

For functions use FN

  1. Go to the "Properties and States" drawer to find the Target property you want to control

  2. If necessary use the search field to search for objects/actors or properties (use the exposed filter )

Exposed tab

shows all exposed properties

Control panel tab

shows all widgets and their properties

Engine tab

shows all objects/actors in a level and all their properties and functions

For advanced users

Store tab

shows all properties of the current show file

API Log tab

shows all Pixotope API messages

Sub properties

Some properties can be further broken down into sub properties which can be controlled.

  1. Click on the down arrow next to the property name




Expose property to show up in Exposed tab - (optional)

Properties can be exposed in two ways

  • Per object/widget

    • Exposes the property of one specific object

  • Per class (only for objects/actors)

    • Exposes the property for all objects based on this class

  1. Go to any property with a star and/or C icon

  2. Click the

    • Star icon to expose the property per object

    • C icon to expose the property per class

  • Functions, transforms and visibility can currently not be exposed

  • World settings are only exposable per class

Of course you can always Expose properties from within the Editor

Next step

Continue to Add widgets and actions

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