Third-party plugins
In addition to all plugins shipping with Unreal Engine 5.1, Pixotope also ships with the following precompiled plugins:
Substance (version 5.1.1), Substance by Adobe
VaRest (version 1.1-r32), Vladimir Alyamkin
which can be found here: [Installation folder]\Pixotope Engine\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace
If you have plugins that work with UE 5.1, you can just copy and paste them into your project's or the engine's Plugins directory. If you encounter problems we recommend recompiling the plugin using the Pixotope SDK.
Plugins are not enabled by default. Enable the plugin in the Editor under Edit → Plugins → [installed location]
Pytorch files where removed from the PythonFoundationPackages plugin to reduce installer size. If you want to use them, please copy the files from a corresponding Unreal Engine version.