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Calibrate color matching

This panel is available when using an XR license

When adding a virtual set extension to an XR setup, matching the colors of the LED walls to the AR graphics manually is tedious. A variety of components in the video chain have an impact on the output colors

  • the XR render machine

  • the Display Processor for the LED wall

  • the LED wall itself

  • the on set lighting

  • the camera

  • the AR render machine

The Color matching panel does the whole calibration for you. Just follow the steps listed below.

Example calibration done with 9 samples

LED wall

Set extension

No color matching

Notice the visible seam in the middle


Color match AR to LED wall

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 13.25.41.png

This can be useful if you don’t want to change the look of the LED wall, but instead have the graphics adapt.

Notice that the AR now inherits the blue shift from the wall.


LED wall

Set extension

Calibrate LED wall

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 13.26.04.png

Notice how the LED wall is color corrected, but the AR still looks the same and is not gamut clamping.



Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 13.26.14.png

This is the best possible calibration which will color correct the wall and gamut clamp the AR.

Notice the loss of intensity in the white color chart and show in the AR.


LED wall

Set extension

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 14.04.43.png


Prepare the following

For the calibration to be as accurate as possible make the following preparations to your


  • Set up production ready stage lighting

  • Set up production ready ambient lighting


  • Disable automatic white balance

  • Disable dynamic aperture/exposure

  • Set accurate black/white balance


  • Aim the camera at the center of the LED wall

  • Zoom in so the camera frames only the LED wall

  • Lock off the camera head


  • Calibrate the Set extension delay in SETUP > Delays

Learn more about how to Calibrate delays between AR and XR

Click "Get frame sample" to check the bounds of your frame. The calibration process only samples data within the bounds.

Select machines

For machines to be listed

  • Go to the Machines panel and make sure they are added to the AR or XR render group

  • Go to the Routing panel and check if they have a routed input output

  1. Select the AR machine and its camera input

    • This camera input is used in the calibration process filming the LED wall

  2. Optionally: Filter XR which XR machines to display the calibration pattern on (a series of flashing lights) during the calibration process.

  • The generated AR color profile will automatically be used by any machine running AR

  • The generated LED color profiles will be assigned to all XR machines

Configure process

  1. Specify which calibration steps you would like to run (see below)

  2. Set the sample number of the profile

    • Larger values can improve the result, but they increase the time for analysis significantly. Higher quality LED walls require fewer samples. Values between 7 and 15 usually give good results.

  3. Start the calibration

The delay between AR and XR needs to be calibrated first.

Calibration steps

Calibrate LED wall


  1. Analyses the color spectrum of the selected LED wall

  2. Generates LED color profile

  3. Assigns it to all XR machines

See example images above

Color match AR to LED wall

main step

  1. Analyses the color spectrum of the selected LED wall

  2. Generates AR color profile

  3. Stores it in the show file where it gets used by all AR machines

See example images above

Color analysis of the LED wall

During color analysis

  • Do not move the camera

  • Do not occlude the camera view

  • Do not change the lighting

Possible warnings during color analysis



Could not determine the display's latency

Ensure that the camera is aimed at the display properly and that a valid video signal is present.

Detected latency is X frames

This happens when latency is more than 30 frames.

Consider checking the delay values in Director and that the camera is aimed at the display properly.

CAUTION camera exposure too low

Increase camera exposure and restart calibration.

CAUTION color gamut clamp

Check the color format to match the LED’s wall gamut capacity and restart calibration.

CAUTION sync issue during calibration

May happen on temporary higher latency (e.g. high GPU load in Editor).

Check your setup or enable +15 frame delay option and restart calibration

After color analysis

Any XR machine which was not part of the XR group at the time of analysis, needs to sync and select the profiles manually inside the Profiles page.

Color grading

Using the color grading panel in combination with color matching will deliver varied results. Here are our recommended use cases.

3D Graphics


Final output

XR machines

OK, if color grading is the same across machines.

Not applicable

Not recommended

AR machines

Not recommended


Making changes to, for example, the video white point should be done through the Color grading panel and not on the camera itself.


Using the Effects panel might be needed to accommodate possible vignetting effect depending on the lens characteristics. Vignette intensity should be increased in oder to extend the darkness effect on edges when appropirate.


This advanced tab allows to

  • see debug profiles

  • manually reassign the generated

    • AR profiles

    • LED profiles (AKA XR profiles)

      • optionally limit the profile to a specific mappings

  • show a Chromaticity diagram for any selected profile

  • unassign all AR & LED profiles selected

Default state (before Calibration)

Once the calibration is done, the profiles are automatically assigned to the corresponding fields.

Chromaticity diagrams

Fully color accurate case

The purpose of this diagram is to visualize color accuracy. In addition, it can help detect if something went wrong during a long calibration process (eg. LED wall occluded by something onset).

How to read this chart:

  • Yellow triangle is the area corresponding to Rec.2020 color gamut

  • Blue triangle is the area corresponding to Rec.709 color gamut

  • Blue square is the theoretical position of the color patch in the Chromaticity diagram

  • Green dot is the position of the color patch in the Chromacity diagram after it is displayed on the LED screen, and was captured by the camera routed to the AR machine

Ideally the green dots will be in the center of the blue squares, but this is not always the case due to imperfect color accuracy of the LED screen. Pure black level is rarely encountered, and LED walls have gamut limitations that prevent the color patch to be shown on gamut boundaries (the blue triangle).

Uncalibrated LED wall with incorrect color accuracy and limited gamut

AR profile validation

The state of the validation text changes depending on the type of AR profile selected, and the corresponding LED profiles assigned in the table below.

A Baked AR profile is created when both calibration steps (Color match AR to LED wall & Calibrate LED wall) are enabled when calibrating.

If you have created an AR profile where only Color match AR to LED wall was enabled → Do not assign any LED profiles below

If you have created an AR profile where both Color match AR to LED wall & Calibrate LED wall were enabled → Assign the corresponding LED profiles to all outputs below

The validation text will keep track of which AR profile you have active, and update based on its specific criteria.

Unassign all will clear both the AR and LED profiles selection.

Profiles storage

The profiles can be found on all connected machines:

...\Pixotope\[Version Number]\Services\VideoIO\ocio-configs\Pixotope XR Calibration

  • AR and LED/XR profiles can be found in the above path as .cube files

  • Chromacity diagrams can be found in the above path as .png images

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