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Pixotope Asset Hub

The Asset Hub service is a shared data storage with support for

  • synchronization - data can be synchronized across connected machines


  • support for storing and transferring large files

  • mechanism to mitigate data redundancy

  • ability to restart (continue) failed data transfers


  • The Asset Hub service runs on every machine

  • The Asset Hub cache lives on the server machine. It holds

    • the cache of the files

      • File data is split into chunks of 8MB and stored in the Asset Hub cache on the server machine.

    • the changelog

Learn more about how to Sync files using Asset Hub

Ignored files/folders

By default, the following folders are ignored:


To create your own list of what files/folders to ignore

  1. Create a .pxignore file in your projects or common folder
    for a project: Synced Storage/Projects/[Project folder]/.pxignore
    for Common: Synced Storage/Common/.pxignore

  2. Add the files and folders to ignore based on the following pattern

.pxignore pattern

  • One rule per line

  • Empty lines are permitted and are ignored

  • Lines starting with # are considered a comment and are ignored

  • Behaves like Unix shell patterns, more-less same as .gitignore. Few examples:

    • Temp - Ignore file or directory <Workspace>/Temp

    • Temp/ - Ignore directory <Workspace>/Temp

    • **/Temp - Ignore file/directory Temp anywhere in workspace tree.

    • **/*.{obj,tmp} - Ignore file/directory with extension .obj or .tmp anywhere in workspace tree.

For more information about supported patterns, see the glob library →

  • To ignore a file/folder, it must be ignored before it was pushed for the first time

    • If a file/folder is already tracked, it is not affected by the rules

  • Ignore files in subdirectories are not taken into consideration

  • In case there are any non-ASCII characters, the file must be encoded in UTF-8

Differences between Pull, Force pull and Hard reset & pull


Force pull

Hard reset & pull

When to use

To get the latest changes another machine has pushed

When the server has changed, but your local data should be kept

When the server has changed, but you don’t care about your local data

What gets pulled

all changes since your last pull

the current remote state (ignores changelog)

the current remote state (ignores changelog)

Remote →



deleted/does not exist

the remote file is added

the remote file is added

the remote file is added



If the file differs

  • the local file is renamed to pxconflict

  • the remote file is added

If the files are the same, the local file is kept

If the file differs

  • the local file is renamed to pxconflict

  • the remote file is added

If the files are the same, the local file is kept

the local file is overwritten


exists (no changes)

the local file is overwritten

If the file differs

  • the local file is renamed to pxconflict

  • the remote file is added

If the files are the same, the local file is kept

the local file is overwritten


exists (no changes)

the local file is deleted

the local file is kept

the local file is deleted



the local file is kept

the local file is kept

the local file is deleted

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