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How to set up an XR production with set extension

An XR production with set extension consists of

  • one or more XR machines

    • to render the graphics for your LED volume

  • one Set extension machine

    • to render the set extension and output your final image

Setting it up is a 4-step process

Multi-machine setup

  1. Give your machines names that make them easy to identify

  2. Choose the machine you want to be the server machine and go to START > Storage > Machine settings and set its role to SERVER
    We recommend using one of your XR machines for this.

  3. Set the other machines to CLIENT and connect all of them to the server

  4. On the server machine: Open the show you want to use

Level setup

We will set up

  • One XR level containing

    • XR walls - used on XR machines

    • XR holdouts - used on the Set extension machine

  • One or more Graphics levels containing

    • your graphics

Feel free to use our XR sample level or an example level in case you need content to test with.

Set up the XR level

  1. Create an empty level

    • with only the Pixotope essential actors (TrackedCamera, CameraRoot, MaterialHandler, PostProcessHandler). If you do not see these actors in your level, enable "Auto-spawn essential actors" in World settings and click Play in Editor to spawn them

  2. Go to World settings to

    • enable XR

    • disable VS and AR

  3. Create XR walls to match your LED volume

    • If you are using Pixotope Tracking and want to use the Digital Twin functionality to automatically generate and map your XR actors, go to Automatic XR alignment

    • If you are using a different tracking system, you will need to align and map your XR wall actors manually go to Manual XR alignment

  4. Create holdouts from the XR walls

    • If you are using Digital Twin, select the Digital Twin actor and click "create XR holdout" button in the details panel

    • If you are not using Digital Twin: select all your XR walls, right click and select "create XR holdout"

  5. Copy the SettingsBasedOnPCName blueprint into your project and add it to your scene

    • Can be found in the LVL_PixotopeXRSample level of the preinstalled Calibration project

  6. Add the machine names of your Set extension machines to the "AR machines" variable on that actor. Add one entry for each machine

    • This actor will change World settings when in Live or "Play in Editor" mode.

Set up your graphics level

  1. Set up your graphics level(s) to be level streamed into your XR level

    1. In Pixotope Editor with the XR level open, go to Windows > Levels, and add your graphics level(s)

    2. Right click the added level(s) and change the streaming method to "always loaded" if you want them to always be visible and not manually loaded from blueprints

  2. With your graphics level open, disable "Auto-spawn essential actors" in your World settings

  3. Delete the PostProcessHandler, MaterialHandler, TrackedCamera and CameraRoot from your graphics level if they are present


  1. In Pixotope Director, go to SETUP > Show > Show settings and set Multi-machine syncing to "Timecode"

  2. Go to SETUP > Calibrate > Syncing and set the timecode source on all machines to match where you should be receiving timecode on your machines

  3. Verify that you have timecode coming in by clicking "Get all timecodes" or the stopwatch icons

  4. Find a Set extension delay that looks like the image you see in your holdout is in sync with your set extension level

    • To verify this, you can try triggering any animation that moves between the intersection between camera footage and the virtual graphics, and if it is smooth then you can assume you have the correct value. Keep in mind that the Set extension delay only applies at the initial triggering of that animation, so if you change the value, you will have to re-trigger it to see if the value is correct.

  5. If you have any level sequences or actor sequences, you should implement sequence frame drop protection through "Set playback position" in Event Tick for all of the sequences that will be played in your scene

  6. Make sure all materials and particle effects are using deterministic seeds and no per-machine randomness. For particle effects, go to your emitter properties, enable determinism, and make sure you are using the same random seed number across all your machines
    Learn more about how to Set up timecode synchronized levels

To use randomly generated numbers in blueprints, you can create a random stream variable and manually set the seed of all randomness derived from that variable, so that the "randomness" is in sync between all of your engines. You can read more about how random streams work here:

Color Matching

  1. Now you should perform color matching, to match the colors between your LED volume and your set extension

Learn more about how to Calibrate color matching

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