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Pixotope Control Panel - Interface

The Control Panel is a service with which you can create custom control panels to monitor and control any aspect of the Pixotope Graphics environment.

The Control Panel service layout can be customized using dockable panels.

The Control Panel service is served by a Pixotope service which launched/created it. In case Pixotope on this machine is shut down, the control panel will loose connection and wait for Pixotope to be started up again.

The Control Panel service runs in a browser. It has been developed for Google Chrome though other browsers might also work.


Access general actions and add panels.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 09.30.18.png


Make changes to the behaviour and look of the Control Panel Editor
  • Clear API log on startup

  • Show server messages on console

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 15.27.26.png

Version history

Go back to a previously saved version

We keep the last 10 saved versions which you can revert to.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 15.30.11.png


Shows a layout browser and allows switching between and managing them.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 09.43.43.png

Save new layout

  1. Click on "Layouts" to open the Layout browser

  2. Click "Create Layout" and give it a name

This saves the current layout and shows a layout thumbnail for it.

Change layout

  1. Click on "Layouts" to open the Layout browser

  2. Click on a layout thumbnail

The thumbnail shows a simplified view of the layout. The numbers indicate the amount of tabs present in that section.

Reset layout

Each layout has

  • a saved state

    • this is the state when you had last saved the layout

    • clicking the reset button brings you back to this state

  • unsaved state

    • this includes any changes made to the layout without saving

    • clicking the reset button discards this state

To discard the unsaved changes and bring you back to the saved state

  1. Click the reset button next to the layout’s

    Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 10.43.31.png

Manage layouts

Here you can

  • Rename the layout by clicking the Edit icon

  • Overwrite the layout with the currently visible layout by clicking the Save icon

  • Delete the layout by clicking the Delete icon

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 10.56.21.png



  • Left side: Shows all possible actions for all widgets on the canvas

    • Selecting one from here (or double clicking the widget on the canvas) will filter the widgets action on the right side

  • Right side: Allows you to drag & drop a source and target from the Properties sections
    OR double click the source field to edit the value directly

Learn more about how to Edit actions

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 14.28.08.png

API Log (for advanced users)

Shows all Pixotope API messages

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 14.29.12.png

Data source

Browse Data Mapper sources and their content

Learn more about Using Data Mapper

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Control Panel - Edit

Only one Control Panel - Edit panel can be added.


The working area where widgets are drawn/placed.

Learn more about how to Add widgets and actions and all available widget types


The canvas is divided into 9 regions. The main region is the one in the center, region 5.

The Map icon on the bottom right of the canvas shows an interactive mini-map, but you can also use shortcuts or System actions to jump between regions.

Read from send to header

Select which engine to read from, and which to send to

Make sure a level is running to gather its engine content and properties

  • Left side: Select one machine to read from

    • Only machines which have a level launched (running engine) are listed

  • Right side: Select one or more machines to send to

    • Or use the groups if available

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 15.16.43.png

The Read from Send to header is similar to the one in the adjustment panels. Learn more about Adjusting levels - Live changes and Group overrides


Toggle between Edit and Preview Live mode

Widgets bar

  • Shows the main widgets and allows dragging them onto the canvas

    • The active widget is highlighted

  • Shows the system action icon at the bottom

Learn more about Control panel - Widget types

Resources library

Add/Remove image resources

Add and remove image resources

Learn more about the Image widget

Control Panel - View

  • Shows a control panel in view/play mode

  • Multiple control panels can be used at the same time

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 15.33.39.png

Engine Browser

  • Shows all objects/actors in a level

  • Shows all properties of the selected object(s)

Learn more about how to Find the property to control

Service Explorer (for advanced users)

Shows all properties of the current show file

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 14.34.14.png


  • Shows all widgets placed on your canvas

  • Allows to edit all the properties

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 14.32.44.png
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