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What is stored where


START view

All changes made in the START view are stored on the local machine in:
...\Pixotope\[Version number]\Local Storage

  • Show files

  • Machine settings

SETUP view

All changes made in the SETUP view are stored in the open Show (file). For Client roles this Show file lives on the server.

SETUP > Show > Launch

  • Levels are stored in the project linked to the open Show

    • [Linked project folder]/Content/...

  • Control panels are stored in the project linked to the open Show

    • [Linked project folder]/ControlPanels/[Control panel name]/[Control panel name].pxpanel

The linked project needs to be present on all render machines.
Learn more about how to Sync projects and other files in Synced storage

SETUP > Show > Show settings

  • Changes are stored in the open Show

SETUP > Configure

  • Changes are stored in the open Show

  • Changes are sent to the designated Tracking and VideoIO service to which a camera system, media inputs and outputs are routed to

Lens files and XR Color profiles are stored in the Synced Config folder.

SETUP > Calibrate > Tracking

  • Changes are stored in the open Show

  • Changes are sent to the designated Tracking and VideoIO service to which a camera system are routed to

SETUP > Calibrate > Syncing

  • Changes are stored in the open Show

  • Changes are sent to the designated Tracking and VideoIO service to which a camera system, media inputs and outputs are routed to


All changes made in the PRODUCTION view, with the exception of the Video Keyer and the IO Effects panel are stored locally in the UE project linked to the open Show.

This is the default view when using an Artist license.

PRODUCTION > Adjust > Video Keyer, IO Effects

  • Changes are stored in the open Show

  • Changes are sent to the VideoIO service that the camera systems and media inputs and outputs are routed to

PRODUCTION > Adjust > Composite, Effects, Color Grading, Objects

  • Changes are stored locally in the project linked to the open Show

  • Changes are sent to the Engines specified in the "Read from Send to” header

Learn more about where adjustments are stored.

Folder structure

This is how the general structure of a Pixotope installation looks like (simplified).

Stand-alone or Server machine

Client machine

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