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What's new?

We are introducing our newest iteration of Pixotope, featuring Unreal 5.3 and yet again emphasizing improvements to your workflow.


Reliability and speed is paramount to a real time virtual production system. With the ever growing demands on and changes to both hardware and software there is no time for us to stand still. We have rewritten our videoIO service from the ground up, improving its reliability and preparing it for the future to come.

You can now also get Timecode from LTC without needing a camera routed as well as setting a custom resolution when outputting to the GPU. Oh, almost forgot, the SMPTE Color range can now also be set.

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Learn more about how to Configure timecode (LTC) and how to Configure routing


Reference the real

Virtual production is all about merging the real and the virtual. To do this perfectly, you need to reference the real world inside the virtual one. For XR productions we had added the Digital Twin. For VS, we are now introducing the Chroma Screen actor. Easily recreate the green screen in your level using a couple of parameters or your own geometry.

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Learn more about Chroma Screen actor

Update the unreal

Always up-to-date, that is what we are. We have updated our Engine to include the latest Unreal version 5.3.2 hotfixes. And once again, we cleaned house and removed a bunch of no longer used settings from Pixotope World Settings.

Asset hub

Sync files with history

Oh no, what have I done? History and context is important. Not just remembering it, but even more so being able to act upon it. To not forget the past, we added both, the ability to add comments before pushing and the ability to see all the previously pulled changes. And to become proactive you are now able to bring old changes back to the future. Yes you heard right McFly!

Speaking of the future. For changes others have made, you previously were only able to pull all changes at once. Now you can not only see the individually pushed changes, but also decide to just pull changes up to a specific one.

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Save space and time

Previously the Asset hub had to recreate its cache for every new install, wasting your time and disk space. We have now put an end to that and moved the cache into a central location making new installations more efficient.


We show off

The process for creating a new show has gotten easier, including creating a show without a linked project. This way, if the client machine has the original project, you don't need to link a dummy project anymore. The Launch, Status and Syncing panel are now responsive so how about switching or syncing levels from your phone while on set? And launching a level now shows the progress in the status bar. Isn't that convenient :-)


Learn more about how to Create, open and manage shows

Stay safe, stay encrypted

Are you setting up a server on the cloud or do you just want to protect your Data hub traffic? We have added the ability to encrypt your Data hub traffic and an easy way to set it up. Just enable encryption on your server machine and distribute the generated pxkeys file to all connecting machines.


Learn more about how to set up Encryption

Video keyer

To initialize your key, you could of course, open your annotation view in a separate window and keep it around. However, in case you have limited screen estate, we are now persisting the captured image and its strokes allowing you to go back and forth between the views and add more strokes at a later stage if needed.

Learn more about how to Use the video keyer

Control panel

Being able to control 2 values at the same time using the x and y axis of a pad is now possible with the new 2D Pad widget. Control 2 color or transform channels or really any 2 values you like.

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Learn more about the 2D Pad widget

Upgrading to Pixotope 23.4

Check out Upgrading to 23.4


  1. Log in to the user section of the → Pixotope Cloud 

  2. Go to Downloads

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