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Pixotope World Settings

All settings global to a Pixotope level are available in the "Pixotope World Settings" Window in the Pixotope Editor.

Unreal’s World SettingsPixotope World Settings

Pixotope related World Settings have been moved into its separate window named Pixotope World Settings. To open

  • Click on the Pixotope World Settings button on the top right

  • OR go to Window > Pixotope > Pixotope World Settings


The settings are separated into sections which can be filtered on clicking the section buttons on the top of the window.

Most of the settings are accessible through the Adjustment panels in the Pixotope Director.

Learn more about Making adjustments - PRODUCTION

All properties can be controlled via the control panel.

Learn more about How to create a custom control panel



Compositing type

Defines which objects of a level are rendered and how they are composited.

  • AR - Render the input video behind the graphics

  • VS

  • XR

This setting can be controlled if a machine is part of a render group. Learn more about Render groups - AR, VS, AR+VS, XR


Enable a preview output while working in the Editor.

Learn more about the WYSIWYG broadcast workflow

Video Outputs

Define multiple outputs from a single engine.

Learn more about how to Route more than one output per machine


Visualization Mode

Optionally output intermediate buffers from before the output image is completed

Visualization with Alpha

Include alpha channel in intermediate buffers

Use Debug Video Input

Use a debug image instead of the external video input. Optionally set your own Custom Debug Textures (see below).

Debug Camera Tracking

Use debug tracking instead of the external tracking input

Debug tracking can be found on:
TrackedCamera > CameraTrackerComponent > Debug Camera State

Use Actor Transform for Camera Tracking Debug

Allows to manually move the TrackedCamera using its transforms

Enable Lens Distortion in Editor

AR as Key


Custom Debug Textures


Replace Existing Volume on Auto Spawn

Convert the first unbound Post Process Volume, if one exists, with a Post Process Handler

Learn more about PostProcessHandler vs PostProcessVolume

Auto Spawn Essential Actors

Make sure these essential Pixotope actors exist, when this level is opened

  • CameraRoot

    • TrackedCamera

    • XROutsideFrustumPoint

  • MaterialHandler

  • PostProcessHandler

Auto Possess Tracked Camera

Start with viewing the level through the main tracked camera, when playing this level

Anti Aliasing

Anti Aliasing Method

Choose the anti aliasing sampling method:


  • TSR - Temporal Super Resolution

  • TAA - Temporal Anti Aliasing

  • FXAA - Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing

  • None

AA Alpha Override


DLSS Quality

Learn more about Using NVIDIA DLSS

Screen Percentage

Enable Custom Screen Percentage

Learn more about Screen percentage

Note: When using Custom Screen Percentage Unreal’s screen percentage is disregarded

Custom Screen Percentage Value


Apply Convolution Bloom to Video

Apply Convolution Bloom from Video


Add Gaussian Blur

Gaussian Blur Strength

Mask Out After Blur


Apply Refraction to Video

If you don't use refraction in front of the video, turn it off to save performance.

Note: Materials with refraction also distort the video


Send camera Preview

Send this engines camera position to other machines.

Learn more about Showing cameras of other engines

Show All Camera Previews

Show all camera positions in this Editor viewport


Compositing Mode

Switch between Internal and External compositing mode.

Learn more about Compositing modes

Move Media Inputs Past Tonemapping

When enabled together with "Use unjittered projection" on the Media input component, the media input will not be affected by tone mapping.

When enabling "Use unjittered projection", this setting will be enabled by default.

Render AO With Lumen

Force Ambient Occlusion rendering when using Lumen for Global Illumination




Render the input video on the AR backplate in the Editor viewport

Fade Out

Fade out graphics

Ambient Occlusion

When using Lumen check the Render AO With Lumen setting in General > Advanced

Enable Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion

Change the intensity


Enable Shadows

Enable Colored Shadows

Switch between using black or colored shadows

Shadow Color Intensity

Multiplier for shadow colors

Advanced Colored Shadows

Samples the video texture for shadow color calculation, giving more realistic results

Shadows Use Luma Mask

Use the video luma mask to change the intensity of the shadows, for example in order to avoid awkward real-world/digital shadow overlaps

Luma Mask Multiplier

Enables the multiplication by the video luma mask. Used with new shadows

Luma Mask Power

Luma Mask Power factor

Difference Shadows

Global shadow strength control

Shadow Power AR

Global shadow power factor

Shadows Ambient Offset

Sets a maximum intensity for shadows which can be useful to simulate ambient light


Enable Reflections


Change the color intensity of the reflections

Alpha Reflections

Change how visible the reflections are



Light Wrap on Graphics

Enable Light Wrap AR

Background Blur Level

Alpha Blur Level

Enable Light Wrap Blur Adjustments

Light Wrap Fade Distance

Light Wrap Gain

Light Wrap Color Blur Scatter Size

Light Wrap Alpha Blur Scatter Size

Light Catcher

Enable Light Catcher

Learn more AR Shadow, Reflection & Light Catcher

Use Catcher Material

Diffuse Override

Specular Override

Light Multiplicative Power AR

Light Additive Power AR

Add GI

Add Global Illumination to light catcher.

Note: When using Ray Tracing Global Illumination (Post Process Handler) the Shadow/Reflection/Light catcher material must be non black!


Mask Out Holdout

Support Virtual Shadow Maps

Learn more about how to Set up an AR level



Multiply Fill with Key

Multiply the input fill with the input key inside the engine

Render Fog on to VS

Enable, if volumetric fog should be visible on top of the compositing plane

Light Wrap on Video

Enable Light Wrap VS

Adds a light wrap around the edges of the image using the environment

Light Wrap Multiplier

Shadows onto Comp Plane

Cast Shadows On VS Plane

Allows scene objects to cast shadows on to Compositing planes.

Learn more about Compositing Planes

Shadow on VSPlane Power

Shadow on VSPlane Cutoff

Shadow Dilation Steps

Light Up VS Plane

Light Up VS Plane

Light Multiplicative Power VS

Light Additive Power VS

DOF Correction

DOF VS Correction

Add Video Before DOF

Video in Focus

Before DOF Translucency

Skip Mask Out VS


Capture Scene on Movement

When enabled, the Respill scene capture will automatically update on plane movement.

Note: This decreases performance while plane is moving

Backplane Enabled

"Backplane" is geometry placed just behind the video plane, which can cast shadows and might be necessary for certain effects.

Try to avoid using it, as it can cause issues with DOF and AO

Backplane Alpha Threshold

Try to Fix Antialiasing Edge

This smoothens the edge of the video on the compositing plane. Try disabling it when you are

  • not using the video keyer

  • using multiple compositing planes

  • OR there is nothing in front of the compositing plane

Custom SSR

Allows the compositing plane to cast Screen Space Reflections even with Backplane disabled

Custom Lumen Reflections

Similar to Custom SSR but for Lumen

Learn more about how to Set up a VS level


Learn more about Pixotope World Settings > XR

Learn more about how to Set up an XR level (virtual window)




Camera Tracking Source

Switch between tracking sources

Record Ptrk

Record Camera Tracking Data

Start to record tracking data.

Learn more about Recording and playback of tracking data

Use Today's Directory

Tracking Recording Source

Recorded Timecode Offset


BPE Scale

Learn more about how to Set up Body Pose Estimation (BPE)

TalenTrack Port

Learn more about how to Set up TalenTrack

TalenTrack Use Incoming Rotations

Learn more about how to Configure camera tracking

Change world settings via blueprints

  1. Set the blueprint nodes up as seen below

    Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 09.25.36.png

  2. Select the "Set members in PixotopeSettingsStruct"

  3. In the Details panel, enable the World Settings properties you want to expose

    Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 09.22.06.png

    Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 09.25.18.png

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