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Vision / Marker

Pixotope Vision and Pixotope Marker are versatile optical camera tracking solutions for Virtual Production and Broadcast workflows. It offers a solution for every production working with or without markers, with daylight or infrared light.

Setup Checklist

Summarized manual for trained personnel

Hardware Setup

Cabling, Sensor mounting, tracking area (markers)

Fixed Lens Calibration (FLC)

Creating a lens file for a lens without zoom

Offset Calibration

Calculating the offset between sensor and film/broadcast camera


Creating and using the 3D-scan (Reconstruction) of the studio environment


Lens parameters, motion sensor, pre-visualization, data-sending, delay

External Encoders

External encoders for zoom and/or focus

Variable Focus

In case of significant focus breathing on a prime lens with an external focus encoder

Signal Collector Box (SCB)

Combining all signals into a single data stream in one cable

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