What's new?
We're excited to announce the latest version of our virtual production software, which includes several improvements that will make your workflow more efficient and leave you more time to be creative.
Align your LED volumes automagically
Aligning your virtual world with your LED volumes can be quite hard. Especially when using more complex setups. Getting it right is essential, especially when using virtual set extensions.
Together with Pixotope Tracking, aligning the real with the virtual world and creating a digital twin becomes a breeze.
Learn more about Calibrate XR alignment
Color Matching made even easier
Our automatic color matching of set extension and LED volume already proved to be a game changer when it comes to quality of the results. Based on the feedback from our customers, we have now improved on the process itself, made the switching of profiles easier and even added the ability to compare profiles using chromaticity diagrams.
Learn more about Calibrate color matching
Perfected temporal alignment for virtual set extension
Spatial alignment only gets you halfway. To have seamless results, for any camera movement, the LED volumes and their virtual set extension also need to be temporally aligned. We have developed some unique new features to perfect the match and ensure perfect temporal alignment.
Learn more about how to Sync an XR wall with a virtual set extension
Improved multi-machine syncing documentation
When working on multi-machine setups, such as large XR productions, Pixotope ensures that tracking and videoI/O is 100% synchronized between machines. But, we also have to make sure that all the content in an Unreal level, such as particles, video files, materials, animations and physics simulations, plays back in perfect sync. We have now added much better documentation and workflows to help you prepare your content for perfectly synced multi-machine productions.
Learn more about how to Set up timecode synchronized levels
Full XR support for BMD cards
With this version we now also have full support for the usage of Black Magic Design video cards for synced rendering across machines.
Included an XR showcase level
Want to do XR testing, looking for the perfect showcase level? We've got you covered. The newly added XR sample level takes you on a journey up north and lets you walk the winter wonderland. You even get weather controlling superpowers. How cool is that!
Sync your project between machines
Pixotope is known for allowing you to make last minute changes. To distribute the changes to all render machines, we have now integrated our Asset Hub to easily push your changes and automatically sync them to the other machines.
And in case you just want to control other machines without the need to have the project locally. Now you can view and launch the levels and control panels of any connected machine.
Learn more about how to Sync files using Asset Hub
Speed up your routing
When setting up routing in Director, you recreate the physical routing. To speed up this process and allow for more options, we have merged the videoIO and routing panel and adjusted the look. Input and output routing is now set up per machine. A single camera system can now be routed to multiple machines while using the individual tracking service of the routed machine. And yes, native input and output of SRT video is now fully supported.
Learn more about how to Configure routing
Stability, Stability, Stability
We know how important it is to trust your tools. That is why we have stress tested our services, also in larger setups and doubled down on making them even more reliable. Amongst others, the Director, Datahub, VideoIO and the License services have received a lot of love and polish.
Unreal version 5.1.1
The Pixotope Engine/Editor now runs on the latest Unreal Engine version 5.1.1. With Pixotope 23.1, we are deprecating the support for Unreal Engine 4. New Pixotope versions will only be available with Unreal Engine 5.x.
In Unreal Engine 5.1 you find exciting new updates to our favorite render engine, including (but not limited to):
Big improvements to Lumen, Nanite, and Virtual Shadow Maps
Building Bigger Worlds and Collaboration
Temporal Super Resolution Improvements
The Light Mixer (Beta)
UV Editor (Beta)
Pattern Tool
DMX improvements
And much, much more: https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.1/en-US/unreal-engine-5.1-release-notes/
Trigger actions in a sequence
With our new playlist widget you can trigger your actions sequentially, either manually or automatically. And by using widget actions you can even control one playlist from another one.
Learn more about how to Trigger actions sequentially with the playlist widget
More control panel features
We added an iframe widget allowing you to embed websites or other control panels. For keyboard people we have added support for using shortcuts to trigger anything you like. And because triggering is fun, we have even added support for triggering other widgets. So go meta if you want.
Did you ever run out of space when adding widgets? With our control panel regions you now have 9x the screen space you had before. And with support for creating modal dialogs you can enhance your control panel experience even more.
Learn more about all of it in Creating a control panel - PRODUCTION
Talent tracking
The possibilities you have when you track your talent are extensive. You can allow your talent to interact with their virtual surroundings, it does not matter if it is AR, XR or VS. However it becomes even more useful when used in VS setups, where it gives the talents freedom to move around while still rendering correct (contact) shadows and reflections.
The update of Body Pose Estimation now also allows the usage of zoom lenses. And with added support for Pixotope TalenTrack you can track multiple talents, keeping them identified even when they closely cross each other.
Learn more about how to Set up Body Pose Estimation (BPE) and TalenTrack
3D living photo render plugin
3D living photo, a technology where a 360º camera recording of a talent is turned into a photo realistic 360º texture, is now supported inside the Pixotope Engine.
Learn more about how to Set up 3D Living Photo
Pixotope Pocket
Pixotope Pocket turns your mobile phone into a camera and tracking source providing yet another solution to make virtual production accessible to all. Just launch the app, configure your IP, and start shooting. Your production camera and tracking device is literally in your pocket.
Currently available for iPhone. For access, please contact customer support.
Upgrading to Pixotope 23.1
Check out Upgrading to 23.1
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Known bugs and limitations
Check out Known bugs and limitations